Established in 2016, the International Fire Service Foundation (IFSF) is a non-profit foundation that is focused on enhancing training opportunities for the fire service, first responders and allied agencies. Additional emphasis is placed on a result oriented and high-performance demeanor. The goal of IFSF is to provide first responders with realistic, cutting edge and pertinent tools that enhance emergency incident mitigation, response and preparedness, through:
· Establishing partnerships with other Fire Service stakeholders and emergency responders to include local, regional, state, and federal entities.
· Leveraging partnerships with companies, corporations, and non-government organizations with a proven track record of innovation and technological advancement in first responder and firefighter safety, efficient emergency response, hazard and risk reduction and operational readiness.
· Combine the forward thinking and visionary staff that conduct technological research and development that aligns and or intersects with current and emerging fire service delivery models in an all risk mitigation environment, including those risks posed to the community, and first res ponders.
· Development of business models, goals and objectives that will yield tactical and strategic value to organizations that are preparing for the
imminent changes that affect operational, financial and legal
aspects of the profession.
· Pursuit and securing of sufficient grant funding and donations that will support the research and development of technologies that will directly benefit the first responder community through simulation training and response that aligns with National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) doctrine.
The founding team members of the IFSF have nearly 80 years of combined Fire service, emergency response and command level experience and education in suppression, training, prevention, specialized response, fire fighter safety, wildland urban interface (WUI), Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF), Hazardous Materials Response, and other specialties.
The team members have additional background and experience as Incident and Area Commanders during catastrophic incidents, multiple large-scale functional exercises, Incident Management Team response, and multi-agency, multi-jurisdiction response.
The founding team members have proven leadership, mentoring, public speaking and interaction with local, state, national and international media. This includes administrative experience, grant writing and management, and advocating at city and county leadership meetings/sessions.
The team has substantial experience involving fire service agency consolidations, bargaining unit negotiations, writing policy and guidance documents, planning, staffing, selection, recruitment, hiring and promotion of personnel.